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  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    03 Aug 2017
A lot of us aspire to do Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the best colleges of the world. The process of application to great B-Schools all over th...
  • Category:
  • Published:
    19 Feb 2021
What is a profile? What is “profile building”  What are “profile building activities?”   While preparing for further education, starting from probably Grade 9, you mi...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    06 Sep 2022
Extracurricular activities hold a concrete and impactful place when it comes to college admissions. Even though these cannot substitute for the required grades and solid test scores, but matter a lot ...
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  • Published:
    08 Mar 2018
This girl was not a genius – she had to work extremely hard to make her creations come alive. She was not a creative genius who would lift a brush and paintings would come out. In fact, for the ...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    10 Jan 2017
If you are considering applying to Harvard University, one of the most renowned institutions in the world, it is important to note that the acceptance rate is highly competitive, with less than 5% of ...
  • Category:
  • Published:
    24 Jul 2018
In our work, we have seen that the typical student is focused on a few domains that are taught at school, and the parents are focused on assessments and test scores. It is a common expectation that w...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    08 Aug 2020
Elements of an application While applying to a college, especially overseas, the application process could seem long and complicated. It always has many components - and often students and parents spe...
  • Category:
  • Published:
    06 Mar 2019
Sometimes we are willing to compromise on our time for the sake of money. Taking a hard assignment, putting in long hours, sacrificing time with the family or friends all in the hope of a good reward ...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    30 Mar 2020
With April round the corner, the date for accepting a college admission is fast approaching. However, the excitement to begin a new course, in a new country, to take some big steps, explore education ...