It’s almost spring. And traditionally, spring brings with it, hope. Students across the world wait at this time for college admission decisions to roll in.
At Christmas, the Early D...
How to write a college essay that won't put the admissions committee to sleep?
In the pursuit of success, zealous aspirants have oft exchanged simple writing for convoluted and protracte...
Let’s talk about the US College Admission trends of 2023. The application process is not so easy therefore it is advisable to update yourself with all the policy changes and other updates. The l...
What is a profile?
What is “profile building”
What are “profile building activities?”
While preparing for further education, starting from probably Grade 9, you mi...
Sometimes we are willing to compromise on our time for the sake of money. Taking a hard assignment, putting in long hours, sacrificing time with the family or friends all in the hope of a good reward ...
Cornell awarded the world's first degree in journalism, the nation's first degree in veterinary medicine, and the first doctorates in electrical and industrial engineering. It was the first U.S. unive...
Your profile matters, not your SOP.
A lot of time, I get to hear from the students that SOP does not matter a lot in the MS applications. No question about the fact that your undergradu...
Thirteen months and counting since the pandemic began, with no end in sight, chaos in the economy amongst lockdowns - and uncertainty and fatigue in the academic world. These are not words one would h...
If you are considering applying to Harvard University, one of the most renowned institutions in the world, it is important to note that the acceptance rate is highly competitive, with less than 5% of ...