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  • Published:
    06 Mar 2019
Credits to Shivangi Walia for this Blog. ‘A mentor empowers a person to see a possible future and believe it can be obtained.’  - Shawn Hitchcock It’s easier said than done, t...
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  • Published:
    06 Mar 2019
Sometimes we are willing to compromise on our time for the sake of money. Taking a hard assignment, putting in long hours, sacrificing time with the family or friends all in the hope of a good reward ...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    06 Mar 2019
American psychologist and psychometrician, Robert J Sternberg's came up with the triarchic theory of intelligence suggesting that there are three kinds of intelligence:   Componential intelligenc...
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  • Published:
    06 Mar 2019
Reading through an article in the Atlantic on active forgetting (How Active Forgetting Makes Memory More Efficient?), it occurred to me that the current age of cheap memory sticks and cameras in every...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    22 Feb 2019
Credits  - Abhijeet Manohar   Attending a university used to be a luxury, but today it’s a necessity! And with that being said, the biggest barrier to quality international education is C...
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  • Published:
    20 Feb 2019
  “Doesn’t matter what you learn, you can still change the world” We live in interesting times. Everything we learn today, however esoteric, can be beneficial to our careers i...
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  • Published:
    19 Feb 2019
I think of myself as an Accidental Entrepreneur. Never in my career before had I thought that I would not be working in a secure environment that would ensure a steady salary at the end of the month. ...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    10 Feb 2019
Chicago University recently announced that its international students do not have any mandatory requirements to report SAT or ACT scores. Many other universities have eased out the SAT requirements ov...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    05 Feb 2019
We have talked about the power of story-telling in building your admission application extensively. In here, we shall detail out the narrative building section and anchor it for a typical US applicati...