Recommendation for Undergraduate Program(3) - 2023 Results
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Recommendation for Undergraduate Program(3) - 2023 Results

Admission Counselling :
  • Written by UnivAdmitHelp
  • Category: Testimonials
  • Published on 04 May 2023

From Manas Singh

I couldn't be happier to share my experience with Abhishek and Uah. Without their expert guidance and personalized attention, I would not have been able to achieve my academic goals and get into some of the top-tier colleges in the country.

Abhishek was more than just a counselor to me. He was a mentor who introduced me to interdisciplinary ideas and provided me with the skills and confidence to tackle even the most challenging problems. His guidance on problem-solving, goal setting, and management has been invaluable to me throughout my academic pursuits.

One of the most exciting things Abhishek helped me with was introducing me to Unity, a game engine that opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me. With his guidance, I was able to create several complex projects using Unity and even integrate it with my other physics and robotics projects.

What I appreciate most about Uah is their emphasis on building a well-informed yet niche personality. Through their interdisciplinary approach and expert guidance, I have gained a unique perspective on various topics and developed essential skills in productivity and time management. I feel confident that I am better prepared for whatever the future holds, both academically and professionally.

I cannot recommend Uah enough to anyone who is looking to achieve their academic goals and build a well-informed yet niche personality. The personalized attention, interdisciplinary approach, and expert guidance that Uah offers are unmatched, and I am incredibly grateful for the support they provided me throughout my journey.

Got into Purdue, UIUC, UMAss Amherst and many more.

Joining Maths and CS program at UMass Amherst, 2023

