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  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    06 Sep 2022
Extracurricular activities hold a concrete and impactful place when it comes to college admissions. Even though these cannot substitute for the required grades and solid test scores, but matter a lot ...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    15 Jan 2017
New York City is definitely one of the most thrilling cities on the globe! Boasting a population of over 8 million people, this urban center is where some of the most lucrative companies, famous enter...
  • Category:
  • Published:
    11 Jun 2021
How not to be an over-represented applicant. Hypothetically speaking,  Raina* is a 25 year old IIT graduate working in IBM as an SAP consultant. She wants to grow and move into leadership roles....
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    08 Aug 2020
Elements of an application While applying to a college, especially overseas, the application process could seem long and complicated. It always has many components - and often students and parents spe...
  • Category:
  • Published:
    06 Mar 2019
Sometimes we are willing to compromise on our time for the sake of money. Taking a hard assignment, putting in long hours, sacrificing time with the family or friends all in the hope of a good reward ...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    30 Mar 2020
With April round the corner, the date for accepting a college admission is fast approaching. However, the excitement to begin a new course, in a new country, to take some big steps, explore education ...
  • Category:
  • Published:
    12 May 2020
How to identify your speciality   From managing sales for MNC’s to a stint in consulting, from strategy to working in EdTech, from IT to logistics, and then into EdTech: in our journey of w...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    04 Apr 2022
Your profile matters, not your SOP.  Wrong! A lot of time, I get to hear from the students that SOP does not matter a lot in the MS applications. No question about the fact that your undergradu...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    08 Oct 2020
This article is time sensitive. Last updated on 8.10.2020   While COVID-19 seems to have put the brakes on a lot of plans, we can be quite sure that personal growth has not been limited. As job...