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  • Published:
    25 Jan 2018
“I want to join XYZ classes, BECAUSE my friends also go there” Man is a social animal. Therefore, he is always trying to belong. Countries, states, villages, homes – any social unit-...
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  • Published:
    31 Jul 2019
The Pygmalion effect is the phenomenon whereby others' expectations of a target person affect the target person's performance. A corollary of the Pygmalion effect is the golem effect, in which low ex...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    07 Apr 2020
The SATS are cancelled Reports around the world inform us that all schools and communities have been impacted by the pandemic of COVID-19. The SAT’s and ACT’s too have cancelled their exam...
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  • Published:
    08 Jul 2019
Information was wealth. Access required assiduous effort and whoever made it and worked to develop an information arbitrage gained supernormal profits. It led to a lot of zealous gatekeepers tryi...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    13 Oct 2019
The ongoing US admissions scandal has caught many an eyeball. The scandal is more accurately a criminal conspiracy involving bribery, faked credentials and money laundering, all for the purpose of get...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    15 Jan 2020
UG application freshman admission applications   Towards the end of the application form for UG admissions, certain admission applications contain some questions which require short answers. For ...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    09 Apr 2020
Should I write about the Coronavirus in my College Admission Essay? The short answer is, probably not.    What is a good essay? Let us recap what makes a college essay memorable and impactfu...
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  • Published:
    26 Mar 2020
Lives and businesses have been impacted adversely because of COVID 19, some more than others. What should your prime considerations be as you plan your immediate future?   Harvard, MIT, Stanford,...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    10 Apr 2017
Choosing the right University/Course combination which fits well with your skills and interests, has the right brand value and eventually leads to a great job are the most important factors bef...