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  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    07 Oct 2022
It is critical to understand that studying in the US and UK differs in certain aspects, so let's start by discussing the application process. Application process Preliminary application processe...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    29 Sep 2022
Many students ask this question. I understand they tried their best to get hold of the complete application and submit it before the Round 2 deadline. But it didn’t happen - either they didn&rsq...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    27 Sep 2022
Getting ready to apply to the Top 30 B-schools? You may want to be cautious about your online presence. Irrespective of your reality, how you are being perceived in the world is important, “Per...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    23 Sep 2022
Often, being an MBA admission consultant, I get calls from many students who are in colleges and looking for answers to questions like “what should I do in profile building for MBA or to crack M...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    22 Sep 2022
We often struggle with a lot of anxiety at THE moment when we are about to submit our MBA application. The focus of this essay is on one of the important things you should NOT do. Do not make last-mi...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    21 Sep 2022
When planning to apply for IVY Leagues and other colleges in the US you have to apply through the Common app. There are common app prompts that are the standard prompts for all the students irrespecti...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    16 Sep 2022
Students get confused between Common App and UCAS application. Unlike Common App where student has to write supplemental essays related to specific colleges, UCAS application is much simpler in which ...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    06 Sep 2022
Extracurricular activities hold a concrete and impactful place when it comes to college admissions. Even though these cannot substitute for the required grades and solid test scores, but matter a lot ...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    31 Aug 2022
College admissions are challenging! It takes a toll on the students preparing to get into their dream college. However, with a little guidance and information about the entire admission process, the p...