Undergraduate Admission Counselling
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Undergraduate Admission Counselling
Do you wish to crack IVY league colleges to study abroad? Do you want to understand the complete application process?
Students from ‘populous and prevalent demographics’ like India who look to study abroad face stiff competition and less than 2% of successful applicants end up in top colleges outside India like MIT, Stanford or Harvard. Over the last few years, the total number of applications to IVY league schools and UCs like University of California Berkeley, UCLA etc. has increased by 4 to 5 times.
We are here to help students who are looking for undergraduate degrees in engineering, humanities, psychology, economics or business and many more. We have a team of consultants who have graduated from IITs, IIMs and IVY Leagues like Harvard, MIT, Stanford and other top universities. We provide you 1:1 admission counselling to get into IVY leagues and other elite colleges of US, UK, Mainland Europe, Canada and Singapore.
For High School Students (9th & 10th Grade) – The students who have aspirations for abroad education have to focus on holistic profile building. In these grades our mentoring process focuses on identifying the areas of interests and strengths while aligning them with your goals and future careers. We will guide students extensively from subject selection to building long- term projects. There is no magic wand, one has to focus on developing deep skills and work consistently for years.
For High School Students (11th Grade – 12th Grade) – The focus in these grades is to build a strong profile through various activities which includes excellent academic records, unique projects, strong extracurricular and co-curricular activities, specific spikes in the area of sports, volunteer work or your unique interests, etc. Once the student has entered 12th grade, he/she focuses on completion of the long-term activities. However, the bulk of the energy goes in university and major selection and crafting of college admission essays which ultimately gets a student into top schools.
For High School Students (Application Process in 12th Grade)
We support students for the end-to-end application process which consists of right college selection and preparation of high-school resume, essays, LOR’s, scholarship letters etc.
Our focus is to develop creative confidence in our students to apply to the ‘best universities’ in the world. We fundamentally believe that each one of us has a unique trait that can be nurtured into a showcase characteristic which would essentially be the pathway to a top-class university admission. To that end in Grade 12, our focus shifts to ‘profile -showcase’ through the best-possible application support, decision-guidance and advisory.
Data-Based Approach to University and Program Selection :
We use data and insights of universities and align them with your profile and strengths to create ‘your’ unique list of colleges and program majors.
Our insights are based on a two-pronged approach driven by
a) Identifying the applicant’s strengths and his long-term professional requirements and
b) Matching them to the DNA of the university. Starting from creating a bucket list of strengths and professional ‘asks’, we go on to build out a customised list suited to the student’s requirements. Typically, the list is weighted in favour of top 30 colleges in the world.
Essays/Answer/ Recommendation - Preparation:
In this we help with UK, Singapore and Canada personal statements and US Common App, UCs personal insight questions and other school specific supplemental essays. This process uses the principles of design-thinking and is copyrighted by UAH (Design Think your Essays ©). Driven by a knowledge-mining approach, we start out by calling out the key elements of the narrative, and then go on to build it out in a nuanced and detailed way.
Interview Preparation:
Usually, by the time you reach the interview stage, you have prepared so much of material, that you are truly ready. We still make sure that you are completely prepared by providing you with mock-interviews and test you out across a range of parameters including (but not limited to) –
- Communication (verbal and non-verbal)
- University knowledge
- Your own narrative
- Persona and your ability to inspire confidence and belief
We help students to secure scholarships in top colleges. Generally, colleges give aid based on the financial position of the family and sometimes on merit, athletic and extra-curricular proficiency as well. There are two ways to apply for scholarships, first is to request for a scholarship to the college you are applying to and second is securing of a scholarship through external organizations. Most of the students of UAH have received scholarships ranging from 30% to 50%.
Post Selection Counselling:
We talk to students about their fears and doubts to make them comfortable and confidence before
they start their learning journey.
All through this process you are supported and are
mentored in a unique, high-impact one-on-one format by an Ivy League graduate. The process is
extremely rigorous and has delivered 100% success rate.

How to Apply to Ivy Leagues/US Universities?
Start planning early
Start from selecting 10-12 universities or more and understanding their preferred application methods. Many universities accept the Common Application or Coalition Application, while others require direct regular decision applications. UCs have a separate application known as the UC application that needs to be completed.
Essays play a significant role and takes a lot of time, and you may find yourself writing around 15-20 essays, including common app essay, personal essay and supplemental essays specific to schools. It is not one SOP which often students get confused with. Again, focus on reflective writing that unravels an aspect of your personality. You need LOR's also in submitting your application.
Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities hold great value for US universities. Choose activities as per your interest that ignite your passion as well. Particularly focus on activities where you have spent significant time.
Applying early
Applying early can offer advantages. It enhances your chances of acceptance to many top schools. However, some early application commitments are binding.
Excellent grades and competitive SAT/ACT scores
Excellent grades and competitive SAT/ACT scores remain crucial aspects of your application. For CBSE and ISC students giving APs make sense.
Once accepted, your admission is usually not conditional.
If you receive an acceptance, you have secured your place at the university! Unless there is a significant fall in grades, you would not have to worry.
The application fee
The application fee, typically ranging from $75 to $100 USD.
It's absolutely fine to be undecided about your major
Most US university applications provide an option to indicate that you are "undecided."
The US application process can be complicated, and some universities, like MIT and many of the University of California schools, do not use the Common Application, therefore multiple applications are sent out. We also help students to apply best colleges of UK like Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, King’s and many more. And, also top universities of Singapore, Europe and Canada.
You can schedule a free counselling session with our IVY League Mentors to understand the whole process.