UAH : About us
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About Us

Who We Are

UnivAdmitHelp is an ‘applicant first’ company focused on providing end-to-end assistance with drafting applications for admissions to colleges of your choice. We help you with drafting SOP, references and other application content.

Our Counselors

Our counselors are a bunch of successful graduates of MIT, Harvard, Stanford, IITs and IIMs with over 30 years of professional experience. This focused team shall insure that your application shall receive the right inputs that shall go a long way in making it successful.

Continuous Learning

We make sure that we get better at helping you draft great admission applications for your colleges. Each and every application that we process goes into a central repository. Each application is then analyzed in terms of content, structure, syntax and word construction, customization elements specific to a particular college and a host of other factors. This helps us understand what elements are working and what needs to be improved further. We then distill this information into ‘learning actions’ which we task our counselors to master. It ensures that we learn continuously and provide increasingly better successful conversion percentages to our counselees.
