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  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    23 Dec 2019
Deferred MBA programs is getting popular more and more as it offers the opportunity to secure a seat at a top MBA program after two or more years. Therefore, you can pursue these early years with incr...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    23 May 2022
Testimonial - As shared by Arjun Pratap Singh Saharan on QUORA    I spoke to more than 12 counselors across NCR before finally picking my choice. I found UnivAdmitHelp the finest of all an...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    02 Apr 2018
How can that be possible? I even don’t know about my personality, leave alone aligning that with the persona of the university. Most people decide their college of choice basis the rankings (and...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    05 Mar 2018
He was a Chartered Accountant with about 4 years of work experience in the transaction advisory space. He was a slogger right from the start. Born and brought up in a small North India town, he scored...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    19 Jun 2023
An Excellent Mentor I’ve come to respect him not only as a great admissions consultant but also as an amazing person. He helped me move out of my comfort zone and realize my potential which was...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    16 Jun 2023
One Zoom Call With Abhishek - That’s When EVERYTHING Changed! Honestly, all of us applicants have been there. For those who aren’t yet, this is a MUST-READ! To begin with, I’ve...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    07 Dec 2022
T25 and M7 business schools are both groups of highly regarded universities, but they refer to different sets of schools. T25 is a term used to refer to the top 25 universities in the United States, a...