Choosing the right University/Course combination which fits well with your skills and interests, has the right brand value and eventually leads to a great job are the most important factors bef...
This is especially relevant to the readers of this blog as it directly affects their future. Decisions taken today in terms ofcourses taken and paths followed, will determine the careers that one sho...
The Letters of Reference (LoR) are the third-party validation of your self-declaration in the application to any university. These letters help the evaluator look at your application ...
Cornell awarded the world's first degree in journalism, the nation's first degree in veterinary medicine, and the first doctorates in electrical and industrial engineering. It was the first U.S. unive...
Brown is most known for its open curriculum, which allows undergraduate students to design their own academic program, and their commitment to diversity and inclusion makes them unique. Open curriculu...
Craft Sentences and Paragraphs
Once you have developed your story line and summarized the key ideas through story board, your SOP is virtually ready. What you need ...
Ben Franklin’s original vision, which saw “an Inclination joined with an Ability to serve Mankind” as “the great Aim and End of all Learning.” Community service runs deep...