Recommendation for Undergraduate Program(2) - 2023 Results
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Recommendation for Undergraduate Program(2) - 2023 Results

Admission Counselling :
  • Written by UnivAdmitHelp
  • Category: Testimonials
  • Published on 04 May 2023

From Jyeshitha Harikrishnan

Hello my name is Jyeshitha Harikrishnan and I got into Boston University. I was startled to see that the acceptance rate for the year 2023 was 10%, and I am eternally thankful to Abhishek Singhal for his help in getting me into Boston University. The entire process was enlightening because I was initially unsure about which major I wanted to pursue, but after some informative discussions with Abhishek, I was certain I wanted to study psychology. Aside from this, writing essays was my favorite activity. Abhishek had provided me with directions on how to write an interesting essay that would get the attention of an admissions officer and I believe it was because of this I managed to get into BU.

Without Abhishek, I think I would have struggled and puzzled about which college would be the best fit for me. He is an excellent mentor who never gives up on any of his mentees. He is also friendly and welcoming, and he will guide you through each step of the process.
If you want to get into your dream college, I highly recommend him.

- Psychology in Boston University, 2023
