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  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    29 May 2017
Which is the best Time to Apply to a B-School? Early action, Early Decision, Rolling Admission, Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, next year – the number of options in term...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    06 Nov 2019
Return on Investment Comparison: MIM vs MBA Everything that our dads did was planned like an ROI (return on Investment). The day I learned about this concept, I applied it to the car I wished to buy....
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    21 Aug 2019
Why pursuing an MiM is a financially viable option What is MiM An MiM or Master’s in Management is a post-graduate master’s degree awarded to students who normally complete a one- to two-y...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    05 May 2022
A mind-map is a good way to look at the profile of a person. The picture above is a summary of the key elements of an MBA aspirant. As I work with students, especially the ones who are looking to ge...
  • Category:
    Insights & Information
  • Published:
    26 Mar 2018
I know about MIM programs – they are like MBAs, often taken by fresh graduates or people who have 1-2 years of experience, many of them are in Europe…. What I really need t...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    19 Nov 2020
  How to write a college essay that won't put the admissions committee to sleep?   In the pursuit of success, zealous aspirants have oft exchanged simple writing for convoluted and protracte...