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  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    01 Feb 2021
The College board has announced that SAT Subject Tests have been discontinued in the US and will be discontinued internationally after June 2021. The decision does not affect the main SAT tests.  ...
  • Category:
  • Published:
    29 Aug 2018
In some cultures, building a personal brand is considered an anathema. Something that is really frowned upon. But the Generation Z does not really think that ways. A recent survey highlighted that I...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    19 Nov 2020
  How to write a college essay that won't put the admissions committee to sleep?   In the pursuit of success, zealous aspirants have oft exchanged simple writing for convoluted and protracte...
  • Category:
    Admission Application
  • Published:
    06 Sep 2020
This article is time-sensitive. Last update on 8.10.2020 There is a lot of uncertainty about admission requirements for the upcoming admission session (First-Year applicants joining in Fall 2021). We ...